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Document Manager Logo

Get Organized with Our Flooring Business File Manager

Tired of going out of one computer program and into another, then back and forth all day? No more with this handy tool.


File Management Made Easy

Organize all of your information - regardless of file type - by job or by schedule. For example, you can create a job folder containing files from QFloorsQSched, Excel spreadsheets, QReporter, Microsoft documents, photos, etc. You can then open or print any file from this shared folder. Make life easier, with Document Manager.

More Organization

folder icon

More Efficiency

gears and progress arrow

More Time-Savings

stopwatch lightning fast
Document Manager Logo

Starting at


(site license)

QSched Screen

Let’s Streamline Your File Management.

Stop bouncing forth between programs, and stop scouring your entire computer to locate the right files. Simplify your life as a flooring dealer with Document Manager. Request a demo or give us a call today.


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