In the past, you may have written down a customer's credit card information, or saved it in a software, to avoid having to contact the customer for their credit card info for final payment, etc. But keeping customer's credit card numbers written down or saved in a software violates PCI (Payment Card Industry) regulations.
Tokenization solves this problem. With this new feature, QFloors saves a token (not a credit card number) that can be used in the future to make purchases with the same credit card. This token gives you the ability to process a customer's credit card through either the PAX D200 or PAX S300 terminals, then place this credit card on file with QFloors. One of the great advantages of this is that you will be charged the lower swipe rate when you use the token, even when the card isn't present. So if you take a payment while the customer is in the store, you can charge the card again for the balance without re-keying the card number, and you still get the lower swipe rate. For telephone orders, you can also save a token that can be used to pay off future balances without needing to contact the customer again for additional credit card information. In addition, you can save a credit card token for any customer account in QFloors. This feature could easily save thousands of dollars a year, even for the smallest retail stores.