We have several standard reports for QReporter on our Support website. They can be found under the QReporter Library. These reports have been updated to support new improvements and features added to QFloors. If you use a custom report, these new features can be added to your reports.
What is the QReporter Libary?
This is where your company can preview and download standard reports. There are multiple invoice templates you may use for your customers, profitability reports, and financial comparison reports you may not have realized were available to you. Each report's preview will have an explanation, such as descriptions, character limits, and instructions for downloading and installation. You must log in to our Support site to view the QReporter library.
Wait, what is QReporter?
QReporter is an add-on program separate from QFloors that allows you additional flexibility in emailing and reporting options. QReporter has a separate login and user access settings. These reports can display your logo and be emailed to your customers. The QReporter reports are also more customizable. If you are pretty technical, you can make small changes yourself. Anything outside of this video requires a custom programming request. The video is a few years old, but the principles still apply.
What are the new features?
- Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl Q - Will quickly pull up your QReporter report selection dropdown.
- Sales Order Line Selection - Prints selected lines for invoices and work orders.
- Your QPay Pay Now Button links - Can now be added to your QReporter Invoice.
- Increased Character Limits - QFloors increased some sales order character limits so you may need to update your QReporter report to see them.
- Job Cost for Credit Card Processing Fees - Added a Credit Card Fee field to the Misc setup window.
- Add Job Cost from Bill Line - Connect a cost from the line of a Bill to a specific sales order.
- Improved Email Deliverability - We have full instructions here; please call if you need assistance.
How do I get an updated report?
If you are using a Standard report it is as easy as downloading a new copy from our QReporter library.
If you are using a Custom report, we will need to have a programmer update it for you. You can reach out to us and we can get your custom reports over to the programmer to update.
What is a custom report request?
A custom report request is where you explain what you would like personalized or modified with a report. It can be as simple as adding terms or removing something so it doesn't show.
But that's not all! Did you know that you can request a custom built report?
A custom built report is where you can request any report that you would like to design. If there is data in the database, then we can pull it to a report for you. We do charge for custom programming, based on the time required.
What is the process for requesting a custom report?
We will send you a form to fill out and have you look at the standard reports on the QReporter Library to find something close to what you are looking for. Our programming team will use that as a template to make your custom changes. We ask that you fill out the form with the name of the report you like the best, as well as what you would like your new report named. You will want to explain and describe the changes you would like so the programmer can let you know if it is possible and provide you with a quote for how much it will cost.
Make sure you check out the QReporter Library, try out these new features, and as always call us for help with any questions.