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Would You Like to Know Where Your Flooring Business Stands?

Trent Ogden

By Trent Ogden, CFO

April 2022

One of the main reasons people tell us why they need software is for more organization within the business, but QFloors is more than just a digital filing cabinet. The phrase “Raise Profits” is in our tagline, and we take that seriously. We recommend the following steps to ensure your system keeps you organized, and more importantly positively impacts your bottom line:

  • Obtain an Accurate Financial Statement
  • Close your journal to lock in the numbers
  • Look at Key Ratios
  • Compare, Compare, Compare
  • Investigate the Why's
  • Implement the Changes

As a way to support and assist your flooring business in recognizing and realizing opportunities for growth and success, we are excited to introduce another financial service offering - Industry Benchmark Comparisons.

We have purchased current flooring industry statistics for different sized businesses, and your report will show you statistics of businesses that are of a similar size, in the U.S. and Canada. Some of the training you’ll receive will refer to these reports and numbers.

If you want to get an even more meaningful set of reports, we can incorporate your financial results from the past year or two side by side with the industry averages. Through this comparison, we can show you how you stack up; where are you strong and weak compared with the flooring industry and other stores your size. This training will include suggestions for what you should consider to improve.

If you would like to receive this training from us, you can qualify by having accurate financial statements, and be willing to share those statements with us. Of course, all of your information is strictly confidential and your numbers will only be shared in your personal report.

If your financial statements are not accurate or up to date, I am willing to provide instruction and help to catch them up and get them correct.

The charge for this service will be $200/hour, billed as the service is completed. We will give you an estimate prior to beginning, specifying how much time we think will be required (depending upon the size of your business and the state of your financial records).

This is a service that we are providing as part of our upcoming Users Conference to all attendees, but we would like to offer it to those of you who are not able to attend the conference as well. If this is something you would like to take advantage of, please contact our sales department at 801-563-0140, option 4 or email, and tell them you are interested in the Financial Benchmark Analysis Trent is offering.

Trent Ogden

About the Author

Trent Ogden - CFO

Trent is a University of Utah Alum with a Bachelor in Accounting & an MBA. With over 25 yrs of experience in flooring, Trent works tirelessly with QFloors to protect small & medium dealers through the use of innovative & usable technology solutions, individualized consultative procedure implementation, & excellent responsive training & support services.