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Flooring Software for Dealers Specializing in Builder Business

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Efficient Material Management

QFloors' outstanding material tracking offers pinpoint accuracy and convenient features for flooring dealers who do new building/construction jobs. For instance, with QFloors, multiple products can fulfill one line item on a sales order. That means you can assign and use remnants to finish your job, as needed. You can track dye lots easily. And you always know exactly how much material you have on hand, and how much of that is already reserved.

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Split Payments Option

QFloors allows you to pay multiple sales orders, even if the customer paid with a single check. With QFloors, you can easily track and apply payments. You'll save time and have all of the information you need, right in front of you.

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Accounts Holding

If a customer hasn't paid his/her bills, QFloors allows you to put the account on hold. It prevents internal confusion within your company, and protects you from further expenditures until the bill is paid.

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Automatic Interest for Overdue Accounts

Set up automatic interest options for overdue accounts. QFloors will apply the interest automatically to their bills.

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Time-Saving Templates

Save time and work with pre-defined templates. Instead of having to create the invoice from scratch each time, you can use the template and it will autofill with product information, quantity, pricing, etc.

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Batch Billing

Print all of your outstanding customer invoices with a few clicks. Billing builders for floor covering is quick and easy with our batch billing features.

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Proven QFloors Technology

These and other features are built upon the proven dependability, accuracy, speed, and efficiency of QFloors software. And with a renowned customer support team to help you every step of the way, your operation will have the tools it needs to run more efficiently and effectively.

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