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September QTools Special

Paxton Johnsen

By Paxton Johnsen, Product Manager

September 2020

When I joined the team here at QFloors, one thing became very clear to me very quickly: I had never seen or been involved with a company that cared more about their customers than we do here. From top to bottom, everyone is passionate about helping those in the industry succeed.

Earlier this year, I had a conversation with a long time QFloors customer. I was surprised to learn he was completely unaware of one of our most popular and effective add-on tools. I sensed some concern on his end about not being aware of something that could make his QFloors experience even better. This prompted us to look into how we can ensure our customers are well informed on all of the functions and capabilities of QTools.

As many of you may have noticed, over the last few months our team has been working to create informational videos about our add-on tools and how they work with your QFloors system to enhance operations. In September, we’re highlighting the integration with MeasureSquare, and offering a discount on Document Manager. Both are amazing tools.

MeasureSquare estimation software integrates closely with QFloors. M2 estimates product quantities, directions and seam layouts. It’s quick, easy, accurate, and communicates professionalism to your customer. There are two versions - mobile and commercial. Here’s a short video Taylor created demonstrating how MeasureSquare and QFloors integrate together.

In the video, Taylor also references a tool called Document Manager It allows you to organize all of your information - regardless of file type - by job or by schedule. Which means everything is saved in the same folder, and you don’t have to jump in and out of programs to access what you need. It’s super convenient and is kind of a universal tool that really could benefit any size or type of operation.

During the month of September, we’re offering a 30% discount on DocManager for interested customers. Document Manager has a one-time fee of $499, so with the 30% off, it's only $349.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about any of our QTools or how to utilize them. We want what's best for you, and would love to help you in any way we can.

Paxton Johnsen

About the Author

Paxton Johnsen - Product Manager

Prior to joining QFloors, Paxton worked at a national smart home company in sales operations. His experience at QFloors includes time spent in both the sales and the support departments, which has translated into a very high commitment to customer service. Paxton is very patient, and is intensely dedicated to helping people find solutions that make the most sense for their operations.